Monday, October 29, 2007

arianna told me to

how can it possibly be that i haven't written in here since may? i suppose i keep saying, week after week, that i don't know where the time is going; and i suppose i keep thinking, 'i really need to slow down and take stock'; and i suppose, too, i feel like i haven't actually stopped in months ... so i suppose i have found my answer(s).

and maybe i've discovered the topic for this post, too.

i recently attended a 'power within' weekend at whistler, thanks to the very generous people at my office, and although i came away inspired and ignited by several speakers, i was absolutely entranced by arianna huffington, who spoke during the weekend on becoming a leader, being a woman in business, remaining strong, and maintaining some semblance of balance if one happens to be engaged in all of these activities. i think she struck me particularly because she seemed to speak from the heart, and because she didn't appear to be at all fearful of exposing any vulnerability in doing so. what an amazing woman. and yet she seemed approachable, too, like someone i have known. perhaps it's the best speakers and leaders make one feel that way.

in any case, arianna made a call for new bloggers on her site, the huffington post, and in listening to the call, and in excitedly contemplating what it would sound like to say 'yeah, i'm doing some blogging for the huffington post on the side, no big whoop' i realized that i'd better kick my own butt and start blogging regularly again.

i'll be back.